Sattar Zhusupovich is 75 years old!
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Professor of the Department of mechanics and mechanical engineering, candidate of technical sciences Sattar Zhusupovich Abdrashev this year turned 75 years old on October 24, 2023.
Sattar Zhusupovich has been working at the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov (formerly the Kazakh Institute of Chemical Technology) since 1981. At first, he successfully held the position of senior teacher, Associate Professor, Head of the department, and then dean for many years. At the University, he has done a great job in training qualified personnel, and at the moment he is working hard to educate future specialists, even if he is on a retirement vacation.
On this day, the rector of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, academician Kozhamzharova Daria Perneshovna sent a congratulatory letter to the Jubilee Holder Abdrashev Sattar Zhusupovich and expressed warm wishes on behalf of the educational institution. The letter reads: "you make a significant contribution to the provision of the country's mechanics, mechanical engineering and transport industry with educated specialists, improve educational and methodological work in higher schools, and work hard to educate young people. In this noble cause, let your wings tremble, let your hard work always grow!"there are words that say.
The staff of the Department" mechanics and mechanical engineering " also sincerely congratulate Sattar Zhusupovich on his 75th birthday!
Sattar Zhusupovich! We congratulate you on the anniversary of 75 Years, Wish You good health, well – being to your family, joy, always be in a good mood in our environment, work hard, do not run out, and the anniversary of your elders will continue to grow!
Staff of the Department" mechanics and mechanical engineering"