Head of Department
Khussanov Alisher Evadillоevich
Address: 160012. SKO Shymkent avenue Taukehana 5.
Phone: 8 (7252) 21-19-79
E-mail: khusanov_1975@inbox.ru
During its existence, the department has prepared and produced for the industry of building materials, chemical and oil refining, petrochemical and related industries more than five thousand mechanical engineers, bachelors and masters.
Among them are the Chairman of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Professor Urkumbaev M.F., Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Kyrgyzstan Rudov G.A., General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sultanov Zh.A., General of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nakisbayev V.I., Hero of Socialist Labor, Director of the Belgorod Cement Plant Tumanov A.D., President of TAO "Khimprom" Atabaev M.D., President of the production of forging and pressing equipment Plyatsuk V.D., General Director of "Kuibyshevphosphor" Pimenov S.D., deputy. Chief Engineer of JSC "Shymkent" Shchipachev G.E., Head of the production Department of SHAO "Phosphorus" Sidiropulo D.I., Chief mechanic of SHAO "Phosphorus" Karynbayev B.M., General Director of "Shymkentshina" Reva Yu.M., General Director of Shymkent ShRZ Kryukov V.I., Chairman of the Board of JSC "AZHS" Khimich A.A., Chief engineer of ZhF "Kazphosphate" LLP (NDFZ) A.B. Kerembayev and many other heads of large industrial enterprises and chief specialists.
A significant part of the graduates of the department devoted their lives to scientific and pedagogical activities. This is Academician of the NAS, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Chomanov O.Ch., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professors Altybaev M.A., Suleimenov M.K., Altynbekov F.E., Sharygin M.P., Sermanizov S.S., Kuatbekov M.K., Brener A.M., Volnenko A.A., Golubev V.G., Altaev M.A., Bekibaev N.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professors Davydov P.V., Bolgov N.P., Kuchmisty B.I., Navesov Sh.A., Gismatulin Ch.N., Sarbasov A.S., Kumisbekov S.A., Kirasirov O.M., Seitkhanov N.T., Yeshankulov A.A., Husanov A.E., Husanov Zh.E. and others.
Currently, the department employs 18 teaching staff and 3 training and support staff, including 2 doctors of technical sciences, 7 candidates of technical sciences, 4 PhD doctors.
The results of the research are being implemented at various enterprises of the republic, the largest of which are the plants of LLP «Kazphosphate» and JSC «Aktobe Plant of Chromium Compounds».
3 grant projects totaling 162,230,000 tenge are being implemented at the department for 2021-23.
Currently, the department employs 5 holders of the Republican grant "The Best University teacher", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A. Volnenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor S. Kumisbekov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent A. Khusanov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent O. Baiysbay, Ph.D., Candidate of Technical Sciences, PhD, docent Zh. Serikuly.
Only in recent years, the research results have been published in 20 monographs and textbooks, 32 publications included in the databases Thomson Reuters, Scopus, RSCI, in journals recommended by Committee for Quality Assurance in the Sphere of Education of the Ministry of Education of the RK
The Department of «Technological Machines and Equipment» has scientific relations with many universities and educational organisations from near and far abroad, such as: Tashkent State Technical University named after Abu Rayhan Beruni, Republic of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyz-Turkish University named after Manas, Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology, Russian Federation, University of Paderborn, Germany, St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, Russian Federation, Vilnius University D. Mendeleev University, Russian Federation, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Ukraine, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, National University «Lviv Polytechnic», Ukraine, University of Zagreb, Croatia, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan.
In 2023 a contract until 2027 was signed under the Erasmus+ KA171 programme with the University of Zagreb, Croatia for the mobility of students, master's students, PhD doctoral students and higher education staff between EU Member States and third countries.
Since 2010, the department has opened a PhD doctoral program in the specialty 6D072400 (8D07180)- Technological machines and equipment, and since 2016 there has been a dissertation council for the defense of PhD dissertations.

Cand.Tech.Sci., professor
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 309 «b»
E-mail: serik_argin@mail.ru Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79

doctor of technical sciences, professor
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 210 «b»
E-mail: nii_mm@mail.ru Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79

doctor of technical sciences, professor
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 210 «b»
E-mail: mr.baurs@mail.ru Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79

Cand.Tech.Sci., docent
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 220 «b»
E-mail: kalmurat.2002@mail.ru Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79

Cand.Tech.Sci., docent
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 112 «b»
E-mail: smd_1976@mail.ru Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79

Cand.Tech.Sci., docent
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 112 «b»
E-mail: khusanov_1975@inbox.ru Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 302 «b»
E-mail: omirbek_7819@mail.ru Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79

Cand.Tech.Sci., docent
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, KBL IRLIP
E-mail: zhakhangir@mail.ru Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79

Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 303 «b»
E-mail: zhandos.serikuly@auezov.edu.kz
Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79

senior lecture
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 309 «b»
E-mail: baurjan.1967@mail.ru
Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79

senior lecture
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 220 «b»
E-mail: gulzhan_1702@mail.ru
Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79

senior lecture
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 220 «b»
E-mail: lazzataasanovna_1976@mail.ru
Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79

Head of the laboratory, Senior lecturer
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 110 «b»
E-mail: nurzhan_khusanov@mail.ru
Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79

PhD, professor
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 210 «b»
E-mail: daulet_ospl@mail.ru Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79

PhD, Senior lecturer
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 309 «b»
E-mail: abaimilan@mail.ru Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79

master, teacher
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 309 «b»
E-mail: jamishka90@mail.ru
Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79

master, teacher
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 309 «b»
E-mail: doskhan_349@mail.ru
Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79

master, teacher
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 327 «B»
E-mail: kamalbekovd@mail.ru
Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79

Highly qualified specialist
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 215 «b»
E-mail: tmo_111@mail.ru
Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Teachers brought in from production

PhD "Director of Kazmontazh Stroykonstruction" LLP
Address: 160012 Shymkent city, Avenue Tauke Khan 5,
SKU named after M.Auezov the bulk №2, 215«b»
Тел.: 8(7252) 21-19-79
E-mail Poland65@mail.ru
Bachelor course
Doctoral studies
At present, the faculty of the department conducts scientific research in the following areas:
- Establishment of regularities of secondary foaming, resonance oscillations of the gas-liquid layer, and successive interaction of vortices in flowing discrete bodies located along and across the solid stream on the basis of which fundamentally new classes of heat and mass exchange, gas cleaning and dust collecting apparatus can be created;
- Creation of scientific bases and methodology for calculating high-intensity processes and devices for chemical technology, oil and gas processing and food industry, realizing new phenomena and effects, physical methods of action and active hydrodynamic regimes;
- development of new methods for diagnostics, calculation and mathematical modeling of complex nonstationary processes of chemical technology in multiphase environments;
- modeling and optimization of energy consumption, reducing pollution of industrial enterprises based on process integration using pinch analysis methods;
- development of technology for the production of concentrates for therapeutic and preventive food products;
- development of a technology for cleaning multicomponent gas media based on combined processes of chemical technology;
- Creation of methodological bases of the city's transport and ecology and the design of environmentally safe chemical technologies of non-waste complexes.
PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP; NDFZ Kazphosphate LLP; Atyrau Oil Refinery LLP; Aktobe Chrome Compounds Plant JSC; Asbotsemconstruction JSC; Shymkent Beer LLP; Korona LLP; Shymkent-Temir LLP; Ferrum-Fluorine LLP; LLPkazniihimproekt"; Law Firm of JSC NGSK kazstroyservice; LLP "Hill Corporation"; LLP "Zerde-Ceramics"; LLP "Rauan"; LLP "Rahat-Shymkent"; LLP "tectum Engineering"
MMG-20-3 tk students during their internship at HILL Corporation
Tectum Engineering LLP educational and industrial practice
Laboratory named after academician Balabekov O.S. on the practice of "Welding business"
"KazTransOil" LLP 2nd production practice and working environment.
"KazTransOil" LLP 2nd production practice and working environment.
"Petro Kazakhstan Oil Products" LLP 2nd production practice
"Rakhat-Shymkent" LLP 2nd production practice
Dual training at "Petro Kazakhstan Oil Products" LLP MMG-21-4k group
The introductory conference of the pre-graduate practice
The staff of the department actively participates in international conferences. The faculty of the department supports personal correspondence with scientists from Russia, Belarus, Germany, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Croatia and Kyrgyzstan.
Under the program "Academic mobility of students, undergraduates and doctoral students" the department cooperates with the Belarusian State Technological University, Minsk, Belarus, the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology St. Petersburg, Russia.
Within the framework of international cooperation, well-known scientists and specialists are invited from abroad to give lectures, to discuss joint projects and studies from leading Russian universities (St. , Belarus, Vilnius University, Lithuania, Manas Institute Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, Sumy State University Ukraine, Sumy.
Teachers of the Department of Technological Machines and Equipment are annually invited to give lectures at the Fergana Polytechnic Institute in Ferghana, Uzbekistan.
Doctoral students, undergraduates of the department pass training and training in research laboratories of the leading technological universities of Germany, Russia.
Teaching staff of the Department of Technological Machines and Equipment (Volnenko A.A., Korganbaev B.N., Seitkhanov N.T., Husanov A.E., Abzhapbarov A.A.) at the invitation of colleagues of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute gave lectures and held consultations for undergraduates and doctoral students
Teaching staff of the Department of "Technological machines and equipment" in the museum of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute. Ferghana, Uzbekistan
Teaching staff of the Department of "Technological Machines and Equipment", together with colleagues of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute, hear reports from doctoral students of the "Department of Technological Machines and Equipment" of the FPI.
Teaching staff of the Department of "Technological Machines and Equipment", together with colleagues of the Fergana Polytechnic Institute, hear reports from doctoral students of the "Department of Technological Machines and Equipment" of the FPI.
Professors of the Department of Technological Machines and Equipment Volnenko A.A. and Korganbaev B.N. completed an internship at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Shipbuilding of the University of Zagreb within the framework of academic mobility under the ERASMUS+ KA171 program
PhD Doctor Zh. Serikuly at the Rhenish-Westphalian Technical University of Aachen
Candidate of Technical Sciences, A.E. Khussanov at the SDEWES 2023 conference Dubrovnik, Croatia
Candidate of Technical Sciences, A.E. Khussanov at the SDEWES 2023 conference Dubrovnik, Croatia
Chemical, oil and gas refining, petrochemical and food industries are the backbone of dynamically developing sectors of Kazakhstan's economy, tax revenues from which provide a significant part of the state budget revenues.
At the present time, the department of "Technological Machines and Equipment" prepares specialists for bachelors of the national economy in the following areas of training:
- 6В07180 -"Technological machines and the equipment" (on branch)
- 6В07181 - "Machines and equipment of oil and gas industry"
- 6В07182 - "Machines and apparatus of food production."
The contingent of students in these full-time educational programs is 421, including 380 students on the basis of a state educational grant.
Graduates of the department work at the leading chemical, oil and gas refining, petrochemical and food industries such as: LLP Tengizchevroil; JSC Kazmunaigas; LLP "PetroKazakhstan Oil Products", LLP "AZSHS", JSC "PNHZ", LLP "Kazphosphate TF NDFZ", UMG "Yuzhny", Poltoratsky LPUMG JSC "Intergas Central Asia", JSC "Ontustik Munaigas", LLP "Altyn Dun" LLP "Kainarmay", LLP "Muldir tau bulaki", Macaroni factory "Corona", LLP "Shymkent Syt", LLP "Shymkentpivo".
1. Bachelors of the specialty "Machines and Apparatuses of Chemical Production" at chemical plants and combines, hydrolysis plants, sulfuric acid plants, regional technology parks, research institutes, installation organisations and in design organizations.
2. Bachelors of the specialty "Machines and equipment of the oil and gas industry" at oil refineries, at gas-oil fields. At oil refineries, filling stations, and fuel bases, etc.
3. Bachelors of the specialty "Machines and devices of food production" at flour mills, grain storage and processing enterprises and in other branches of the food industry.
Along with this, the chair "Technological Machines and Equipment" prepares undergraduates (2 years) and doctoral students on the scientific-pedagogical and profiling lines of the specialty "Technological Machines and Equipment".
At the present time a new situation has arisen in the field of training of personnel contributing to the development of our country, as an advanced, competitively capable on the basis of innovative approaches using advanced methods of transferring knowledge, which is currently occupied by the staff of the department "Technological Machines and Equipment ".
Currently, the department employs 5 holders of the Republican grant "The Best University teacher", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A. Volnenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor S. Kumisbekov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent A. Khusanov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, docent O. Baiysbay, Ph.D., Candidate of Technical Sciences, PhD, docent Zh. Serikuly.
Only in recent years, the research results have been published in 20 monographs and textbooks, 32 publications included in the databases Thomson Reuters, Scopus, RSCI, in journals recommended by Committee for Quality Assurance in the Sphere of Education of the Ministry of Education of the RK

At the Department of "Technological Machines and Equipment" for 2018-2020, 4 projects were carried out for grant funding of the KN of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- AP05132508 “Development of the technology of flotation extraction of plastics of the styrene group from a mixture of crushed plastic wastes” Head: Dr.Sci.Tech., Professor A.Volnenko A.
- AP05132794 “Development of an energy-saving method of impact grinding in the field of centrifugal forces and the creation on its basis of installations for grinding bulk materials” supervisor: PhD Sarsenbekuly D.
- AR05132925 "Development of polymer composite materials with a high level of thermal stability" Head: c.t.s Khusanov A.E.
- AR05135389 “Development of an experimental-industrial mini-plant for complex processing of dairy raw materials” Head: c.t.s Ospanov B.O.