Standardization and Certification

  Head of the department:
  Tulekbaeva Aijamal Konisbaevna
  Candidate of technical science, associate professor
Address: Shymkent, 160012, G. Ilyayeva -10, UKGU, building B, Mechanical and Petroleum Engineering faculty
Telephone: 8(7252) 30-07-63
Fax: 8(7252) 21-01-41
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
History of the Department
      The Department of Standardization and certification has been organized and trained in the specialty "Standardization, Metrology and certification" since 1999. From 2003 to 2008, the Department was headed by Ph. D., associate Professor Bekibaev N. S. from 2008 to 2009, Ph. D., Professor Zhekeev M. K., from 2010 to 2011, Ph. D., Professor Sataev M. I. At this time, the Department was part of the Department of "Technological processes and devices". In may 2011, the University management decided to allocate the Department in an independent and since September 2011, the Department was headed by Ph. D., associate Professor A. K. Tulekbayeva.
    In accordance with the order of the MES in 2016 on the division of specialty 5B073200- "Standardization, Metrology and certification" at the Department up to 2018 was carried out preparation of bachelors on two specialties 5B073200 "Standardization and certification ( by industry)" and 5В075000 "Metrology", and also preparation of bachelors in the specialty 5B073200 - Standardization, certification and Metrology (for older courses), masters in 6M073200 - Standardization and certification ( by industry), 6M075000 – Metrology. Since 2019, according to the preparation of specialties in the directions, a set of students for the educational program of bachelor's degree 6B07510-Standardization and certification (by industry) and master's degree 7M07510 Standardization and certification (by industry) in the direction of "Standardization, certification and Metrology". In October 2019, a new educational program for undergraduate 6В07513 - Metrology and graduate 7М07513 - Metrology entered into the Register of the MES and January 2020 formed academic group bachelors in this direction. 
   Training of specialists in educational programs guidelines of "Standardization, Metrology and certification" is carried out according to the requirements of the Law of RK "On education", Charter of the University of the State educational standard of higher and postgraduate education, the educational programs of the specialties of this direction, curriculum, academic programs of the disciplines approved by the EMA, dial plan, orders of the MES, the rector, and decisions of the Academic Council of the University (as well as other regulatory documents).
     The structure of training of specialists meets the requirements of the set of documents on the state educational standard of higher professional education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (SES RK No. 1080).
      The content of training is evaluated based on the analysis of compliance of educational programs with the requirements of the labor market and stakeholders. The main component of the quality of higher education is the quality of educational programs in the direction of "Standardization, certification and Metrology", which are a set of normative documents that define the goals, content and methods of implementation of the process of training and education. The programs are developed on the basis of the state educational standard of higher professional education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the curriculum and curricula of University disciplines and elective component, approved by the higher education institution. 
    The plan for the development of educational programs: 1) Into the OP, introduce the requirements of professional standard No. 270 of PS Standardization, approved on 12/30/2019 by order of the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Atameken in terms of the knowledge and competencies of the standardization specialist at the 6th level of RIC (bachelor ) and the knowledge and competencies of the technical expert on standardization of the 7th level of the ROC (Master) 2) Update the content of the disciplines of the "Specialty Module" based on the new law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Standardization", put into effect April 11, 2019 3) Expand the base of professional practices.
Teaching Staff.
     The Department is equipped with highly qualified personnel. The Department consists of 1 doctor of technical Sciences, Professor: Bekibaev N. S., employer: Beiseev S. A.-Director of RSE FSHT "Kazakhstan Institute of standardization and certification", 4 candidates of technical Sciences, 2 PhD, 7 masters of standardization, certification and Metrology.
 Student's science
      In unpk on the basis of RSE FSHT "Kazakhstan Institute of standardization and certification", Body for confirmation of conformity of construction products of LLP "El Standard", Body for confirmation of conformity of management systems of LLP "Business Turan Group" lectures, practical and laboratory classes on special disciplines of educational programs are held. Every year, together with employers, curricula of students are formed with the introduction of new disciplines necessary for obtaining practical skills and competencies that are in demand in the labor market. Students of the Department study such disciplines as "quality Audit", "Innovative quality management", "Fundamentals of industry certification", "Rules of application of international and regional standards", "procedure for certification of imported products", "product Labeling", "Environmental labeling". In the discipline "Practical training of technical executor on standardization in the field of technical regulation" after studying it, a certificate is issued for the working specialty "standardization Technician".
    The Department operates the SNO "Tehpromstandart" in which 85% of students are engaged in educational programs. The structure of SNO "Tehpromstandart" consists of 10 scientific areas in which students conduct research throughout the entire training cycle, on the basis of which coursework is developed, the topics of theses are formed, reports on various scientific student conferences:
1. Integrated quality systems and their industry specifics
2. QMS in the food industry
3. Quality and safety indicators of various objects of standardization, certification and quality management
4. Motivation, stimulation and development of competence of employees of enterprises and organizations
5. Costs of quality assurance systems
6. Implementation and improvement of various international quality systems
7. Problems of implementation of quality improvement methods at the enterprises of the Turkestan region and Shymkent
8. Quality system in higher education institutions and foreign experience
9. Ecology and environmental protection in accordance with international standards ISO 14001
10. Harmonization of Kazakhstan and foreign accreditation systems
Research directions
       The scientific work of the Department is conducted on the following topics:
1. Code B-16-01-09 "Features of construction and evaluation of integrated quality management systems with risk management". Senior officials:: doctor of technical Sciences, prof. Bekibaev N. S., Ph. D., associate Professor Tulekbaeva A. K.
2. Code B-16-01-10 "Development of methodological aspects of evaluating the effectiveness of personnel management based on international standards ISO 9000 series". Senior officials: doctor of technical Sciences, prof. Bekibaev N. S., Ph. D., associate Professor Tulekbaeva A. K.
International cooperation
   The Department maintains business relations with related departments: the Department of "Metrology and interchangeability" of Bauman Moscow state technical University, Moscow, the Department of "Physical and chemical methods of product certification" of BSTU, Minsk, Moscow Institute of examination and testing, University of food technologies, Plovdiv, Bulgaria and performs joint research on the following topics:
- Development of methodology for implementation of the international standard ISO 37001 " anti-corruption management System"
- Development of methodology for implementation of the international quality standard Investors in People at Kazakh and Belarusian enterprises;
- Development of technology for creating virtual workplaces for verifiers of measuring instruments for training of metrologists;
-Innovative and technological solution for the production of dairy products from goat's milk with the creation of a regulatory framework for standardization and certification.
- Development of measurement Methods (MVI) for various food additives
Practice bases of the chair
- RSE Kazakhstan Institute of standardization and certification of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- RSE Kazakhstan Institute of Metrology of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- National center for expertise and certification;
- National accreditation center of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Industrial and construction enterprises of various regions of the Republic. These include: "El standard" LLP, FSHT RSE "Kazakhstan Institute of standardization and certification", "Intertechservice its" LLP, The body for confirming the compliance of management of "Turan Business Group" LLP, FSHT RSE " Republican veterinary laboratory "JSC " Shymkent", etc.
Specialty cipher:
6B07510-Standardization and certification (by industry) 
Documents required for admission:​
- application for admission;
- Certificate of secondary education or diploma of primary or secondary vocational education (original);
- Photo in 3x4 format - 6 pieces;
-086-U medical certificate;
-063 vaccination card;
- photography;
- a document confirming the right to a discount;
- UNT certificate or complex testing;
- certificate of grant assignment (if any);
- a copy of the identity card;
- Certificate of registration (young people)
      Educational programme bachelors in OP 7М07510 - Standardization and certification (by branches) can occupy primary positions in enterprises of a specialist in standardization Manager standardization, эксперта6 expert quality, engineer on standardization, the engineer on the certification analyst in the field of standardization, certification and quality management, state inspector in the sphere of standardization and certification, according to the qualifying directory of posts rukovoditelei, professionals and other employees. Bachelors in OP 6В07513 - Metrology can hold primary positions: technician for Metrology, instrument technician, specialist calibration SI believe SI, Metrology specialist, engineer of Metrology, according to the qualifying directory of posts of heads, the professionals and other employees. The educational process involves the active participation of students in educational research, scientific and experimental and experimental design work performed by teachers and employees of the Department.
        At the end of high school graduates of the specialty can work in all sectors of the economy in the field of standardization and certification:
- Oil and gas, oil refining, food businesses;
- Pharmaceutical, metallurgical, nuclear, chemical and agricultural companies;
- Public authorities and inspection services (state control and supervision, tax authorities, sanitary and epidemic control, fire control bodies), enterprises for the production of consumer goods and services;
- Customs for certification of imported goods;
- Preparation, execution and analysis of the documentation of certifiable products (certification bodies, accreditation bodies);
- The study of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the goods and services produced and performed in their respective industries and fields of activity (testing laboratories, certification bodies for products, processes, services, personnel, quality management systems).
 This is one of the few professions that has such a large variety of employment after graduation, as all activities require knowledge of the laws, standards and international requirements for quality management products and services. Employment rates for graduates of the OP Baccalaureate: 2017 release -94%, 2018 release -90%, 2019 release -88.89%. Career growth of graduates of the OP bachelor degree: Ubaidin Ulugbek - holds the position of an expert in the quality group for heraldry and standardization of the Department of Military and Special Support of the Logistics Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Hakim Bakhtiyar is the chief expert-head of the Department of Automation and Control of Transport of the Transport Control Committee of the Ministry of Transport and Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He participated in the development of the Technical Regulation of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles." 
       Employment of graduates of the OP Magistracy: graduation 2016 - 100%, graduation 2017 - 100%, graduation 2019 -100%. Career growth of graduates of the OP magistracy: Kudaibergenov Nurlan is an officer for especially important affairs of the Department of the Agency for Combating Corruption in the Turkestan Region, Beiseyev Saken is the director of FSTE RSE Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and Certification of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Specialty cipher:
7M07510 Standardization and certification (by industry)
Main goals of the master's program

• In profiled preparation
• Nauchno-pedagogical preparation
The entrants provide the following documents to the University:
1. Claim delivery to the administrator;
2. A candidate's application form;
3. Copy duplication of individuality;
4. Original and notarized copy of the diploma about formation. Those who have enrolled in an internship in the University have the right to introduce the documentary or nostrification paperwork in accordance with the education and oblasts that they have received in the Master's degree program.
5. Original and copy certificates for the program, listed in Appendix 1 (if there are such);
6. Notarial certified copy of personal register and booklet (for work with optimistic work);
7 photos of a 3x4 cm;
8.086-U medical certificate;
9. List of scientific and methodical works (in cases);
10. Check the receipt.


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