Mechanic and engineer

Head of  Department

Myrzaliev Darkhan Saparbaevich

candidate of technical science, Associate Professor

Address: 160000, Shymkent, Tauke Khan, 5, Faculty of «Mechanics and oil &  gas business», Department of «Mechanic and Engineering».
Phone:  8(7252) 30-09-70
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

General Information

The department "Mechanics" was established in 1954 year  in KazHTI (now - UKGU name of M.Auezov). He headed the Department S.U.Umbetalin - the leading expert in this field. Further development of department was sent to fundamental preparation of specialists on disciplines of mechanical profile and departments are organized: "Theoretical mechanics", "Theory of mechanisms and machines and detail of machines", "Resistance of materials", " Hydraulics", "Structural mechanics and theory of resiliency", "Technology of metals”.

Over the years, these departments led by well-known scientists: "Theoretical Mechanics" - Cai I.P., Buralhiev S.B., Dathaev H.M., Dasibekov A.D., Mutaliev N.M.; "Resistance of materials" - Kolesnikov V.A., Stalnov N.A., Lysenko N.I., Ainabekov A.I., Arapov B.R.; "Theory of mechanisms and machines and parts of machines" –. Shomaev A.S, Urkumbayev M.F., Altynbekov F.E., Kulanov A.B., Koldasov T.K., Bekzhanov L.M., Urkumbayev B.F., Abdrashev S.Z., Kadyrbekov A.D. .; "Metal Technology" - Rakov V.P., Omarov A.K., Idirissov A.I., Islamkulov K.M.; "Hydraulics" – Suguruv S.B., Shinibaev B.D., Bolgov A.P.; "Construction mechanics and the theory of elasticity" - Kadyrov M.K. and etc.

A great contribution to the development of the above-mentioned departments have: Soboleva S.B., Khakimov I.R., Kultursynov Z.K., Raimberdiev T.P., Sarypbekov M.S., Bekmuratov I.B., Akshabaev A., Sharafiev A .Sh., Shinibaev M.D., Ainabekov A.I., Karabekov Z.K., Saydenova F.A., Duisekeev V.O., Yakovlev S.G., Turdaliev T.I. and many others.
In 1999 at the Department "Theoretical Mechanics and Strength of Materials" and "Machine details and theory of mechanisms and machines" was organized by the department of "Applied Mechanics". In 1999-2005  head of the Department  was Prof. Dasibekov A.D., and 2005-2011. - Prof. Pecherskiy V.N. In 2011  the department was divided into producing department "Mechanical Engineering" and general education department "Mechanics", heads are respectively professor Pecherskiy V.N and assistant professor Abdrashev S.Z.

August 28, 2015year in connection with reorganization of structural units of the faculty "Mechanics and oil &   gas  business" at the Department of "Mechanics" and "Engineering" faculty "Mechanics and Engineering", head of the department became Myrzaliev Darkhan  Saparbaevich Ph.D., Associate Professor.

In 2006 year the department "Applied Mechanics" SKSU of M.Auezov prepared a package of documents for opening of a new specialty - "Engineering" and has received an application for a license №0008671 from 29.06.2006, the (order №573 from 29.06.2006.) for the preparation of bachelors with duration of 4 years. The first set on a specialty 5B071200 - "Mechanical Engineering" is produced only in the 2007-2008 account. year, and in 2011 was the first release of bachelors in this specialty.

Presently a department carries out preparation of bachelors on speciality 5В071200 - "Engineering", as well as the preparation of masters degrees on specialty 6M071200 - "Engineering" (on going since 2010 under license MES RK, series of AB №0137399 from 03.02.2010, appendix №0110378 from 30.06.2010). In the specialty “5В071200 - Mashinostroenie”, three educational trajectories have been developed and function: 1) “Technology of machine-building”; 2) "Foundry production and processing of metals"; 3) “Organization and planning of welding production”.

Objects of professional activity of graduates  are  engineering production and technological organizations, research institutes, experimental research laboratories, automotive and repair organizations involved in the preparation, processing of metals and alloys and the implementation of the various equipment and installation on production sites.

Also, the department trains specialists in the general disciplines of the mechanical profile for all specialities of technical direction. The department carries out fundamental, scientific, practical, scientifically-pedagogical and scientifically-methodical researches, provides information and consulting services to organizations and enterprises, develops and implements innovative technologies in the educational process.

The development strategy of the educational program (EP) of specialty 5B071200 Engineering compiled based on its compliance with the strategic plan of the university and is focused on preparation of bachelors in engineering related with knowledge-based resource efficient. Graduates of the program are prepared for production and technology, design, organization and management, research and development activities aimed at creating a competitive engineering products. It is based on the use of modern methods and design tools, mathematical, physical and computer modeling of technological processes, and improve the wear resistance of details of machine and apparatus.

For the achievement of aims of EP in the department are the following required resources:

- highly qualified faculty, presented 6 doctors, 9 PhD, master of science 2, 9 teachers without a scientific degree and a Master of Science degree;

- training base, including 10 classrooms, 4 lecture halls with 100 seats, a hall of electronic resources, one computer lab, 5 specialized laboratories and laboratory workshops with a total area of 1126,89  sq.m .

 -fond electronic textbooks used in the preparation of students on this educational program, the volume of 500 MB;

 -availability professional practice bases for training profile.

On an educational program 5B071200 Mechanical engineering training of students on internal and tuition by correspondence on the basis of the general secondary education, on the basis of an average special, on the basis of higher education with terms of training 2, 3, 4 years depending on form of education is provided.

The realization of an educational program is enabled in the state and Russian languages. Education in English language became possible from 2017. The general technology of training in the specialty – credit.

All disciplines of the curriculum according to SGSE RK of specialty are grouped in cycles of general education disciplines (GED), the basic disciplines (BD) and the profiling discipline (PD). In an educational program the following distribution of the credits between cycles is established: in total – 131 credits: GED – 33, a BD – 66, PD – 32.

The maintenance of an educational program for an obligatory component of the curriculum conforms to requirements of SGSE.

Teachers' staff
The main directions of scientific research work of department
Places of educational and practical training
International cooperation
Department Achievements
Advanced training for teachers


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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


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