Oil and gas business

Head of the Department

Zhantasov Manap Kurmanbekovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Address: 160012. SKO, Shymkent, avenue Tauke Khan 5

Phone: 8(7252) 30-05-70

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

General information

The Department of "Oil and Gas Business" was organized on September 8, 2008 by the order of the rector of the SKSU named after M. Auezov No. 124 of 06.09.2008. The department is a graduate, conducts training in full-time, part-time and distance learning. The educational activity of the department "Oil and Gas Business" is carried out within the framework of a multi-level system for 3 bachelor's degree programs in the Group of educational programs B071 - "Mining and mining":
- 6B07210-Oil and gas business,
- 6B07215-Operation and maintenance of oil and gas production facilities,
- 6B07216-Operation of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities.
And also from the 2020/2021 academic year in the group of educational programs B271 - "Mining and mining": 6B07211-Oil and Gas business (full-time and distance learning). For 3 master's degree programs in the Group of educational programs M115 – " Petroleum Engineering»:
- 7M07210-Oil and Gas business (scientific and pedagogical direction).
- 7M07213-Drilling of wells in complicated conditions (scientific and pedagogical direction).
- 7M07212-Management of development and operation of oil and gas fields (profile direction).

A Students who have successfully completed the educational program are awarded a degree - "Bachelor of Engineering and Technology in the relevant educational program".
Undergraduates who have successfully completed the educational program are awarded an academic degree: specialized-Master of Engineering and Technology; scientific and pedagogical-Master of Technical Sciences in the corresponding educational program.
In the 2020/2021 academic year, the educational program 8D07210 – "Oil and Gas Engineering" for the training of doctors of Philosophy (PhD) is included in the Register of the OP.

The task of the Department is aimed at training, able to generate cutting-edge knowledge, to improve their skills and increase the intellectual capital of highly qualified specialists for companies: drilling oil and gas wells; development and operation of oil and gas fields; operation of oil trunk pipelines and oil storage oil and gas industry of the country and the region.

The Department plays a key role in the training of personnel for the oil and gas sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Our mission is to become a driving force in the development of human resources, research and development of innovative technologies necessary for the region.
The training of specialists at the Department of "Oil and Gas Business" is based on innovative educational programs based on fundamental knowledge and modern scientific achievements.
The concept of the educational program (EP) is based on the desire to provide highly qualified personnel of the Oil and gas industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The basis of the concept of EP is based on the following criteria:

  • focus on the competencies of graduates as learning outcomes (Learning Outcome-based Approach) in the development, implementation and evaluation of the program;
  • use of the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credit system to assess competencies as well as the didactic units of the program to ensure their achievement;
  • taking into account the requirements of international standards ISO 9001: 2008, European standards and guidelines for quality assurance of higher education (ESG, Standards and Guidelinesfor Quality assurance European Higher Education Area) within the Bologna process, as well as national and international criteria
  • quality educational programs of Washington Accord Graduate Attributes and Professional competitions EUR-ACEF Standards for accreditation Of Engineering programs, etc.).

To manage the program at the Department there is a base of normative and instructional documents of the Ministry of education and science, on the basis of which the requirements and procedures for the management of educational, scientific and extracurricular activities.

The level of professional training of graduates of EP is determined by the requirements of the leading Oil and gas enterprises of Kazakhstan - consumers, based on the principles of high technology, resource and energy saving, environmental safety, widespread use of information technology, computerization of design and management.

One of the important characteristics of the educational process of the University is the presence of different forms of education. On OP training provides full-time and distance learning.

The content of the OP includes: General education disciplines (GED) – 26.6% (57 credits), basic disciplines (BD)– 55.6% (119 credits), specialized disciplines (SD) – 17.8% (38credits) of the total temporary resource (244 credits). Writing and defense of graduation works of bachelor, is given 12 credits, practice from 18 credits. The content of the EP corresponds to the Model curricula (MC).

Educational programs 5B070800 " Oil and Gas business "and 6M070800 –" Oil and Gas business " in April 2019. passed specialized accreditation in the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for quality assurance in education (IKAQAE).

Professor-teaching staff
Research work
International cooperation
Educational and methodical work
Achievements of the Department
Student achievements


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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


(8-725-2) 40-08-99

(8-725-2) 27-38-52


Chancellery(8-725-2) 21-01-41



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