Higher mathematics and physics for technical specialties

Head of the Department

Utenov Nauat Marzanovich,

Candidate of phyisics-math Sciences, Associate Professor


Address: 160012, Shymkent, st. G.Ilyaev, 10, SKU, building B, office 415 

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

►Teachers' staff

History of the Department

The Department of "Higher mathematics and physics for technical specialties" was appeared after the connection of two departments "Higher mathematics" and "Physics"in 2017.


The Department of “Higher mathematics” was founded as a part of the Kazakh chemical and technological Institute in 1958.

The first head of the department was Kuznetsov M.S.

In 2005, the department moved to the Faculty "Mechanics and Oil and Gas Business" separated from the “Natural-Pedagogical” faculty.

In 2015-2017 the department was of the “Textile and Food engineering” higher school.

Since August 2017, the Department again became part of the Faculty "Mechanics and Oil and Gas Business" and was called the department of “Higher mathematics and physic for technical specialties”.

Since 2009 the department is headed by candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor Ashirbayev K.A.

2009-2019 the Department was headed by candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor Ashirbaev Kasymhan Atirhanovich.


The Department "Physics” was founded in the former Kazakh chemical and technological Institute as an independent division in 1958.

The organizer of the Department of Physics and its first head was a candidate of phys. and math. sciences, associate professor N.S.Mendahov.

In the following years, the Department was headed by:

Cand.of phys.and math.sciences, Associate Professor Bespalova V.G. (1967-1975);

Doctor of phys.and math.sciences, Professor Bakhtybaev A.N. (1975-1985);

Cand.of techn.sciences, Associate Professor Seitbekov T.S. (1985-1988);

Doctor of chem.sciences, Professor Gryzunov V.I. (1988-1992);

Cand. of chem.sciences, Professor Kabylbekov K.A. (1992-2001);

Doctor of phys.and math.sciences, Associate Professor Turmanbekov T.A. (2001-2002);

Cand. of phys.and math.sciences, Associate Professor Sagyndikov A.S. (2002-2006);

Cand. of chem.sciences, Associate Professor Musaev Zh.M. (2006-2007);

Cand. of phys.and math.sciences, Associate Professor Saidullaeva N.S. (2007-2017).


Since June 2019, the post of head of the Department of “Higher mathematics and physics for technical specialties” is held by the candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences, associate Professor Utenov Nauat Marzanovich.


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