"New Technologies for the Preparation and Transportation of Paraffinic Oil in Kazakhstan"

On October 15, 2024, a round table on the topic "New Technologies for the Preparation and Transportation of Paraffinic Oil in Kazakhstan" was held at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, organized by the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering.

The discussion of pressing issues in the preparation and transportation of paraffinic oils was attended by university scholars specializing in the oil and gas industry, including K.S. Nadyrov, V.P. Bondorenko, V.G. Golubev, M.K. Zhantasov, G. Bimbetova, A.E. Khusanov, and international scientists such as Professor Yuri Arkadyevich Nifontov from Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Professor Akramov Bakhshilo Shafievich from Tashkent State University named after I. Karimov, Professor Azizov Abdulsait Abdulhamid oglu from Baku State University, Associate Professor Azizbek Yusufovich Dustov from Karshi University of Economics and Pedagogy, and Associate Professor Jurabek Turonovich Bazarov from the same university, as well as regional oil and gas industry specialists.

Given the relevance of the challenges in preparing and transporting paraffinic oil, the efforts of the university's researchers are currently focused on addressing the following key issues: Development of a technology for fractionating asphalts and soapstocks to extract primary fatty acids and exploring their potential use in synthesizing demulsifying chemical reagents; Conducting processes of oxyethylation and esterification of fatty acids, providing scientific justification for process principles, and developing technological schemes for producing chemical reagents; Utilizing the obtained chemical reagents and composite formulations based on them, at specific dosages, to reduce the content of emulsified water in raw crude oil.


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