On the eve of the Day of Knowledge Day, September 1, in all the curatorial groups, the event "Tauelsizdik takylymy" was held
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On the eve of the Day of Knowledge Day, September 1, in all the curatorial groups, the event "Tauelsizdik takylymy" was held.
By the 22nd anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, students of all groups have been invited to the solemn meeting called "The Essence of Constitutional Humanism".
01.09.2017 the approval of the plan of educational work and the appointment of senior curators in the department and curators of academic groups;
All academic groups were acquainted with the general rules for the implementation of the annual plan for educational work for the 2017-2018 school year, the corporate standards of ST SKSU 7.16-2009 "Management of the educational process," the internal regulations of the university, the culture of behavior at the university, and also resolved controversial issues and problems students of the department "TMO".