Prevention and the fight against terrorism and religious extremism

November 26, 2015 in the classroom 127A of the department "Standardization and Certification" faculty "Mechanics and oil gas course" event was organized at the faculty level. The event is dedicated to the theme was: "Prevention and the fight against terrorism and religious extremism". At the event were invited to all the teachers and students of the faculty of "Mechanics and oil gas course", the specialists of the Department of Educational Work and Youth Policy, Head of the special Department, "The Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan" - Maymakov Gappar Kazybekuly. As an invited guest - Chief Imam of the mosque "Aitbay ata - Akmeshіt" - Abdukarim Imam and the Naib Imam of the mosque.

The speakers discussed issues related to the causes of terrorism, prevention of terrorism, the definition of religious extremism, considered legislative framework for the prevention and fight against terrorism in the Republic of Kazakhstan, on the prevention of religious enmity and hatred, which is one of the most important conditions of the state and public security expounded Maymakov G.K. Chief Imam Abdukarim`s were affected by the main problems of the current state of society and the state religious crime is the main problem of the appearance and action of religious totalitarian sects (destructive cults), the radical currents of Islam extremist and terrorist wing. After the presentations all teachers and students asked questions, debated and discussed the responses received.

The event was dedicated to the theme "Preventing and combating terrorism and religious extremism" was a good educational level and we believe that it will contribute to the strengthening of the religious values ​​of Islam in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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