Olympiad in engineering mechanics.Olympiad in engineering mechanics.

        February 17th , 2017 in the classroom 423 building "B" SKSU named after M. Auezov the Olympiad was held, which was attended by 22 students of the Faculty of "Construction and Transport" and "Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering", studying the course of engineering mechanics. The purpose of the Olympiad was to attract students' attention to the subjects studied and the opportunity to test their knowledge on this subject.
        The Olympiad was held in the form of solving 4 problems on the following topics: 1) Statics. Determination of support reactions; 2) Calculation of flat farms; 3) Transverse bending of beams; 4) Stability of compressed rods; 5) Longitudinal deformation of the beam; 6) Torsion of the beam. Each completely solved problem was estimated at 100 points. The jury consisting of the Chairman of the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Arapov B.R. And, Ph.D., associate professor Tokmuratov A.M. On the basis of the results of the work inspection, the following students were awarded with the following certificates:
        1st place: Rakhimberdiyev Azamat, group SM-14-6p - 400 points;
        2nd place: Zhanabai Aizhan, SM-15-6k2 group - 345 points;
                             Kamalov Kholmurat, group SM-15-6k2 - 345 points;
        3rd place: Makulbek Bekzhan, group MMG-15-ZK2 - 300 points;
                             Berkinbai Galymzhan group SM-15-6k1 -300 points.                    


        Students who took an active part in the Olympiad are encouraged with the additional points, adding to the recruited during the semester in this discipline.
        The department "Mechanics and machine building" expresses special gratitude to the senior teacher Suendykova K.B., who took an active part in preparing students for the Olympiad and all participants of the event and hopes that this Olympiad will be traditional.


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