Social responsibility of business - the way to unity and solidarity of the peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan!
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- Hits: 359
At this difficult time for the Republic of Kazakhstan, many companies show the high social responsibility to the country and the people, so the Association «KAZENERGY» on the basis of a protocol decision of the Commission for the selection of candidates for the tuition of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the expense of Karachaganak Petroleum Operating Bee Wee held a contest among university students belonging to the category of socially vulnerable - from large families, orphans, disabled people, who for various reasons are trained on a commercial basis. The only requirement - good grades and active life position. According to the results of the competition, two students 5V073200 specialty "Standardization, Metrology and Certification" faculty "Mechanics and oil and gas business" Seydіrәsіl Nartay Erzhanұly group MMG 14-6k and Duysebaeva Asem Kayratovna group MMG 14-6r received funding to pay the tuition for 1 year. Congratulations to the students and wish them continued success in their studies!