
The Kazakhs have a proverb - "People do not say empty, if said something sensible." These words can be safely attributed to our colleague, the son of Kazakh people with tremendous life experience and long years of labor - scientist, doctor of technical sciences, professor of SKSU name M.Auezov, Islamkulov Kairat Muhanmetkulovich, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the National Academy of Natural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  He is also an academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RAN), the coordinator of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Honored Worker of Education, Distinguished Engineer of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A man with boundless energy, the scientist to the bone Islamkulov KM - honour   university professor - SKSU. the name of M.Auezov  and Dneprodzerzhinsk State Technical University of Ukraine. We celebrate seventy five anniversary Kairat Muhanmetkulovich.
 Islamkulov  К.М  it is a scientist with the world name, is the author of two scientific opening of world value in area of physics of metals. He wrote over 250 scientific reasons, 2 monographs, 7 train aid, got 18 copyright certificates and patents of   RK on inventions. prepared the great numbers of graduate students and  undergraduate  in area of engineering and physics and mathematical  sciences
For  his contribution to the development of national and world science he was awarded the Jubilee Medal "10 years, the Order of the European scientific and industrial consortium (Germany)" LAVORE ET SKIENTIA "("Labour and Knowledge"), a gold medal of the European Scientific and Industrial Chamber (Brussels, Belgium) by THE AWARDED GOLD) by THE MEDAL  F"EUROREAN GUALITY" (Gold medal "European quality"), A.Nobel medal, RAN, Moscow, medal "For contribution to the development of the South-Kazakhstan region", the Order of the Moscow Institute of steel and alloys "For services in the science of metals ", the Order of" Alexander the Great "for his scientific victories and accomplishments, RAN, Moscow, medal" Wilhelm Leibniz "for his contribution to the development of Metal, Munich, Germany, the medal" Socrates "for his contribution to the development of science (scientific and industrial consortium), Germany. His name is included in the "National Encyclopedia of Kazakhstan" and the book "Who is Who in Kazakhstan science."
Recently   Islamkulov  К.М  was the recipient of an award the order of " Kurmet". 
University administration of  SKGU  the name of М.Аuezov, personally chancellor of university Myrhalykov ZH.U.  cordially felicitated a person whose anniversary be celebrate on a 75year and rewarding with the order of " Kurmet". All collective of department of "Mechanic and engineer" join congratulations and will wish to Islamkulov  К.М   salubrity, long years of life, world and good to family and long years of life. 


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