World Standards Day

National standardization organizations annually celebrate World standards day, proclaimed by the International organization for standardization ISO by holding various events, where experts in the field of standardization, certification, metrology and quality management to address current and future issues concerning the development of standardization system in line with international principles on the approximation and harmonization of national systems of technical regulation.Since October 13, 2016 under the guidance of the Committee for technical regulation and metrology of Kazakhstan, was held a round table in which took part representatives of South Kazakhstan region administration, the chamber of entrepreneurs of South Kazakhstan region, enterprises of the region. The agenda was held under an annually updated ISO to the motto "Standards create confidence". With its theme made head of the department "Standardization and certification" M.Auezov SKSU Tulekbayeva A.K. "The road map for training of specialists of metrology for industrial enterprises of SKR". The subject concerned, relevant to all industrial enterprises SKR issues on preparation of metrologists, the lack of which is every year felt more and more. It was the analysis of systems of basic education, systems training, advanced training and retraining of personnel and systems of training of scientific personnel of higher qualification in the field of metrology in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the ways of improving the educational programs for the training of such specialists, the basis of which should be to conduct joint works with businesses to prepare for metrologists with the required labor market skills and competencies.


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