Number and name of groups of educational programs: B076 - "Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry)"
Specialty code and name: 6B07510 - "Standardization, certification" (by industry
6B07510 - "Standardization, certification" (by industry)
6B07513 - "Metrology"
Duration of study: -4 years
Qualification: "Bachelor of Standardization, Certification and Metrology"
The curriculum of the specialty includes a complex of scientific disciplines of socio-humanitarian, Natural science, General professional and special profile. The educational process provides for the active participation of students in educational and research, scientific and experimental and development work carried out by teachers and staff of the department
Places of employment: certification services of the oil and gas, petrochemical industry; managerial, advisory, expert and teaching activities; inspection bodies of enterprises.
The faculty has master's and doctoral programs.
Students of our faculty have the opportunity to study at the military department and receive a military rank.
For the specialties 6B07210, 6B071200, 6B07180, 6B07510, the 4th test subject is physics (the main subject is mathematics and physics).

Номер и наименование групп образавательных программ:  В071 - Горное дело и добыча полезных ископаемых
Код и наименование специальности: 6В07210 - ­ Нефтегазовое дело
6В07210 -  Нефтегазовое дело
6В07216 – Эксплуатация нефтегазопроводов и нефтегазохранилищ.
6В07215 - Эксплуатация и обслуживание объектов добычи нефти и газа
Квалификация: бакалавр нефтегазового дела
Срок обучения: ­ - 4 года
Сфера и содержание профессиональной деятельности: сферой деятельности выпускников являются научно-исследовательские и проектные организации, занимающиеся проблемами хранения и транспортировки нефти и газа; буровое и горно-разведочное оборудование, средства его проектирования, отладки, эксплуатации и технического обслуживания, морские нефтегазовые сооружения; разведочные поисковые, структурные, параметрические, эксплуатационные и другие скважины, которые бурятся для выполнения тех или иных конкретных задач в соответствии с назначением; менеджерская, консультативная, и экспертная работа по избранной специальности.
Места трудоустройства: производственно-технологические ­ предприятия по  бурению нефтяных и газовых скважин; добыча, промысловая и заводская подготовка нефти, хранению нефтепродуктов и газа; проектно-конструкторские институты и организации по проектированию процессов, технологий и оборудования для добычи, подготовки, транспортировки и хранению нефти и газа.

Number and name of groups of educational programs: B064 - Mechanics and metalworking
Specialty code and name: 6B071200 - "Mechanical engineering"
6B07120 - "Mechanical engineering"
6B07121- "Technology of mechanical engineering".
6B07122-"Foundry and metal processing by pressure"
6B07123- "Design and organization of welding production".
​Qualification: "Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering"
Graduate's field of activity:
Aerospace engineering;
Transport (railway, automobile) engineering;
Agricultural machinery and equipment;
Oil and gas industry;
Mining industry;
chemical engineering;
energy industry;
educational institutions of higher and secondary education;
food and light industry:
heavy machinery;
design of modern equipment based on computer modeling and production management of wide and special purpose parts.

Number and name of groups of educational programs: B064 - Mechanics and metalworking
Specialty code and name: 6B07180 - "Technological machines and equipment" (by industry)
6B07180 - "Technological machinery and equipment" (by industry)
6B07181 - "Machinery and equipment of the oil and gas industry".
6B07182 - "Machinery and apparatus of food production"
Duration of study: -4 years
Qualification: "Bachelor of Technological Machinery and Equipment"
Scope and content of professional activity:
managerial, managerial, advisory activities;
operation, maintenance and repair of technical systems of the widest purpose;
design, construction and manufacture of environmental devices and equipment;
design, construction and manufacture of chemical production machines and apparatuses;
operation, maintenance and repair of technical and technological systems of oil and gas and petrochemical industries;
technical justification, design and supervision of the implementation of hardware design of technical measures for the processing, transportation and recycling of hydrocarbon raw materials.
Places of employment: manufacturing, all branches of industry, including the military-industrial complex, as well as design and research organizations, organizations and management of electromechanical services of industrial enterprises.

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