"M. O. Auezov is a personality recognized by world literature"
- Абжапбаров Абай Акилбекович 8 775 108 20 52
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On November 9, the "Mukhtar Studies Research Center" hosted a reader's conference organized by the Center for Information Education of the M. Auezov University of South Kazakhstan. Ph.D., Associate Professor, Senior Researcher of the Mukhtar Studies Research Center A.B. Kalshabek, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Transport, K.Associate Professor K.E. Imanaliev, "Deputy Dean for Educational Work" of this faculty Z.M. Kerimbekova, Master of Humanities, Chief specialist of the Research Center "Mukhtarovedenie" A.U. Isabek, director of the city Scientific and Universal Library named after Al-Farabi A.A. Zhapparkulov, director of the Centralized Public Library System of the city of Shymkent named after Abai N.S. Zhumanov, The "Deputy Dean for Educational Work and Social Issues" of the Faculty of Law K.T. Bimenov, Director of the ABBO I.K. Saurbayeva took part in the work, lecturer of the department "Kazakh language and Literature" O.M. Agabekov, graduate of the Faculty of Philology Sh. Isa, who made reports on the life and work of Mukhtar Omarkhanuly, shared relevant opinions.
The presentation of the book "M. Auezov's Visit to the South", published by the scientists of the Mukhtarovedenie Center, took place at the conference. Students of our educational institution also spoke at this meeting. In particular, students of the group IP-21-3k2, IP-21-3k1, IP-21-3 T K, FI-22-5k1, SM-22-1k1, AP-22-6k4 performed poems by A. Kunanbayuly. The FI-22-5k1 group of the Faculty of Philology impressed the audience by creating a staged scene from the epic novel "The Way of Abai".
At the end of the conference, the director of ABBO Saurbayeva I. K. made a closing speech and awarded talented students with a letter of thanks.
At the end of the conference, the director of ABBO Saurbayeva I. K. made a closing speech and awarded talented students with a letter of thanks.
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