Open curatorial hour devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on "BІLІMDІLER DODASY"

According to the plan of educational work of the department "Standardization and Certification" in the 2015-2016 academic year, students MMG 15-6k group together with the curator group D.A.Turdіbekova we held an open curatorial hour devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on "Bіlіmdіler Dodasy" in the form of intellectual games. As guests were present senior curator of the University S.D. Beisenov, Dean of the Faculty of S.A. Zhapbarov, Head of the Department A.K. Tulekbayeva, PTS  and students of the department. In order to expand the students' knowledge in the field of standardization, certification, metrology and quality control, increasing their level of formation of skills of creativity and observation skills of public speaking, skills and skill formation of correct and complete answers. Intellectual game was divided into 4 levels, according to the results of each level independent  comiso chose the winners. The first place was taken by a student U. Karsybaeva which were awarded diploma and cup "Egghead", two of the students N.M.Ahmetova and A. Zharylkasyn diplomas for II and III place.

Open educational curatorial hour on the level of organization and conduct of, the activity of a group of students according Invitation held at a high educational and cognitive level.


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