World Standards Day


World Standards Day

        October 3, 2017, in the South Kazakhstan State University. M. Auezov, a seminar dedicated to the World Standards Day was held. The seminar was organized by the faculty of "Standardization and Certification" and the SCF RGP "Kazakhstan Institute for Standardization and Certification".
       The seminar was attended by the director of the SCF RSE "KazInSt" SA Beiseev, the faculty of the Faculty of Mechanics and Oil and Gas, the head of the Department of Standardization and Metrology Kynatova Assia Amzeevna, students and undergraduates of the specialty "Standardization, certification and metrology."
       Introductory words were given to the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Oil and Gas Business, Ph.D., Associate Professor AAEshankulov. He briefly told the history of the international organization for standardization and congratulated everyone on World Standards Day.
        Director of SCF RGP "KazInSt" SA Beiseev. with the report "Standards make enterprises competitive on the basis of ST RK ISO 9001-2016" and "Standards make enterprises risk-oriented on the basis of ST RK ISO 31000-2010".
        The report aroused great interest of all those present, and a broad discussion on the role of international standards in enterprises and organizations.
      This seminar provides an opportunity to get acquainted with and deep knowledge of students and undergraduates, the practical application of international standards on specific examples of organizations in Kazakhstan.




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