The best in the business!
In 2005, the Head of State in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan for the first time put forward the idea of awarding the "Best Teacher of the University" grant as a support to teachers of higher education institutions, providing them with ample opportunities for professional development and professional growth.
Throughout this period, this grant has become a huge incentive for our teachers to realize their pedagogical and scientific potential. The grant gives an opportunity for university professors to undergo internships at leading universities in the world with a view to conducting research and development work.
PhD Kaldybaeva Botagoz Myrzahmetovna, senior lecturer of the department "Standardization and certification", Faculty of Mechanics and Oil and Gas Business became the holder of the titles "The best teacher of the university-2017".
On February 10, 2018 in the city of Astana, the official presentation of the title "The Best Teacher of the University of 2017" was held by the Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Saganiev Erlan Kenzhegalievich. The staff of the department, the management of the faculty from the bottom of the heart congratulates her with this high rank, wishes health and further creative successes!
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