Held the event on the theme “The contribution of technical sciences in the spiritual revival”
- Faculty news
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According to the program of the President of Kazakhstan Republic N.A. Nazarbayev “Path to the future: spiritual revival”, the educational event was held on the 11/20/2018 on the topic “The contribution of technical sciences in the spiritual revival”. The event was organized by the Department of “Higher Mathematics and Physics for Technical Specialties”.
The event was opened by the dean of “Mechanics and Oil-Gas” Faculty Narmanov Myrzabay Myrzaliyevich and Beisenov Sembai Dayrabekovich, senior curator of the department of educational work and youth policy. The dean of the faculty supported the words of N.A.Nazarbayev: “In a system of spiritual values, the only nation that is above all can achieve success!”.
During the event, students shared their opinions on the topic, showed their talents, sang national songs and danced.