Great Person - Ahead of Time

May 2, 2019 at the department of "Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering" an event was held on the theme "Great Person - Ahead of Time" under the program " Modernization of public consciousness”. The purpose of this event was insight into the life and work of a public and state leader, scientist, doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, founder of the Engineering Academy of Kazakhstan, its first president, laureate of the State Prize of Kazakhstan, laureate of the Order of Lenin, winner of 2-fold Order of the Red Banner of Labor, holder of the gold medal of the International and Russian Scientific-Engineering Association named after Shukhov, holder of the gold medal of the International Fest Ivalya named after Al-Khorezmi and the silver medal of the International Engineering Academy - Omirbek Zholdasbekov. To the event were invited the students of A. Dzholdasbekov: S.Zh. Abdrashev and D.S. Myrzaliev. Sattar Zhusupovich shared his memories about the teacher, about how he was a man in life, D. S. S. Myrzaliev acquainted with the achievements of a scientist in science. Students asked their questions and received answers to them. The event continued with a film about the life of A. Dzholdasbekov. At the end of the meeting, D. S Myrzaliyev made an appeal to student youth to live by the example of such great people.


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