Production machines and equipment - TS

Volnenko Alexander Anatol'evich
D.Tech. Sci., Professor   
Work phone: 8 (7252) 21-19-79
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Korganbaev Bauyrzhan Nogaybaevich
doctor of engineerings sciences, docent
Information for communication:
 № 2 (B), 215 cabinet
 Work phone: 8 (7252) 21-19-79
Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kumisbekov Serik ArginbaevichCand.
Tech. Sci., Professor   
The information for communication:
Bulding №2 (В),  215 Office,
Office number: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Seytkhanov Nurlan Tulegenovich
Cand. Tech. Sci., docent
The information for communication:
Bulding №2 (В),  215 Office,
Office number: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dosmakanbetova Aybarsha Abilkasymovna
Cand. Tech. Sci., docent
The information for communication:
Bulding №2 (В),  220 Office,
Office number: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ospanov Bakhytzhan  Orazalievich
Cand. Tech. Sci., docent
The information for communication:
Bulding №2 (В),  215 Office,
Office number: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sabyrkhanov Marat Darkhanovich
Cand. Tech. Sci., docent
The information for communication:
Bulding №2 (В),  212 Office,
Office number: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Е- mail: 
Khussanov Alisher  Evadilleyevich
Cand. Tech. Sci., docent
The information for communication:
Bulding №2 (В),  212 Office,
Office number: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Е- mail:  husanov_a @
Pazilova Gul'zhan Dzholdasbekovna
The senior tutor 
The information for communication:
Bulding №2 (В),  220Office,
Office number: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Seitkasimova Lyazzat Abilkasimovna
The senior tutor 
The information for communication:
Bulding №2 (В),  220Office,
Office number: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Mombaev Maksat Myrzabaevich
The senior tutor 
The information for communication:
Bulding №2 (В),  215 Office,
Office number: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Kiykbaev Baurzhan Asemkhanovich
The senior tutor 
The information for communication:
Bulding №2 (В),  215 Office,
Office number: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Khusanov Nurzhan Saparkhanovich
The senior tutor 
The information for communication:
Bulding №2 (В),  112 Office,
Office number: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Sarsenbekuly Didar
Doctor PhD, tutor
The information for communication:
Bulding №2 (B), 215 Office
Office number: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Zhumadullaev Daulet Koshkarovich
Doctor PhD, tutor
The information for communication:
Bulding №2 (B), 215 Office
Office number: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kenzhebekov Doskhan Mukhitzhanuly
Master, tutor
The information for communication:
Bulding №2 (B), 215 Office
Office number: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Е- mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Turebekov Amirkhan Khamitovich
Head of laboratory
The information for communication:
Bulding №2 (B), 110 Office
Office number: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Kamytbekov Albina Talgatkyzy
Highly qualified specialist
The information for communication:
Bulding №2 (B), 215 Office
Office number: 8(7252) 21-19-79
Alipova Indira Abdashimovna
Highly qualified specialist
The information for communication:
Bulding №2 (B), 215 Office
Office number: 8(7252) 21-19-79



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