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The Faculty of Mechanics was founded in 1958 and in 1999 in connection with the merger of the Faculty of Construction the Faculty of Mechanics and Construction was opened. In 2002, the faculty "Extraction and processing of oil and gas" was formed as part of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov. Since August 2006, the faculty is formed at the Institute of "Oil and Gas" at the South Kazakhstan State University. The institute consisted of 5 departments. In August 2009, the Faculty of Construction, Mechanical Engineering and Transport was formed on the basis of the Technical Institute and the Institute of Oil and Gas. On March 19, 2011, in order to improve the quality of education and training of specialists, the Faculty of Construction, Mechanical Engineering and Transport was divided into two faculties - Construction and Transport and Mechanics and Oil and Gas Business. The Faculty of Mechanics and Oil and Gas Business includes 4 departments. 

1. Department of "Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering";

2. Department of "Oil and Gas Business";

3. Department "Technological machines and equipment";

4. Department of Standardization and Certification

5. Department "Higher mathematics and physics for technical specialties"

The mission of the faculty is to train personnel for high-tech and science-intensive industries in the engineering and oil and gas industries that meet the requirements of the modern market and international standards. To improve the quality of training highly qualified specialists, bachelors and undergraduates in mechanical engineering and oil and gas specialties that meet consumer requirements, through the introduction of modern educational technologies and continuous improvement of the educational and methodological activities of the faculty. To ensure the competitiveness of graduates of the faculty in the global market of educational services and the personnel market of the Republic of Kazakhstan. To ensure an increase in the growth of research activities of the faculty of the faculty in order to integrate education, science and production. To integrate into the global educational process by establishing mutually beneficial cooperation with leading Western universities in order to carry out joint activities aimed at improving the quality of training specialists in the engineering and oil and gas industries. Expand relations with employing enterprises in order to organize industrial practice and subsequent employment. To train specialists who harmoniously combine fundamental technical knowledge with high morality, spirituality and patriotism.

Highly qualified specialists work at 4 departments of the faculty, including 15 doctors of science and 30 candidates of science. Including the laureate of the state prize in the field of science and education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the owner of the state grant "The best teacher of the university" for 2011, doctor of technical sciences, professor Nadirov KS, academician of the Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of technical sciences. professor Ainabekov A.A., and the laureate of the prize of the Foundation of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Sharyktau" candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Zhantasov M.K. and others. More than 62% of teachers have scientific and scientific degrees.

The Faculty of Mechanics and Petroleum Engineering prepares specialists in 4 educational bachelor's programs, 4 educational master's programs and 1 educational program of Phd.

Every year the contingent of students of the faculty is growing in all forms of education. All of them are provided with a fund of educational and methodological literature, computer labs and software, a sufficient classroom fund. At the disposal of students - gyms, stadiums and swimming pools.

For the advanced part of the students of our faculty, groups are open with teaching a number of disciplines of the curriculum in English. Classes are conducted by teachers with a good language base, trained in special language courses, as well as in the linguistic center of the university.

The faculty has permanent creative teams of various orientations: choreographic ensembles, KVN (the teams "Baldyrgan" and "Building B" are the strongest in the university and are becoming increasingly popular in the region and the republic).

Faculty students are members of the Akikat debate club. We also have 4 scientific circles. And the sports team of the faculty is a multiple winner of many student sports days.

Currently, the faculty has more than 1000 students, including 875 under the state educational grant.

It can be said without exaggeration that the students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Oil and Gas Engineering are one of the most friendly teams at the university.

For high-quality education of students in undergraduate and graduate programs at the faculty there are specialized laboratories: "Laboratory of Mechanical Engineering Technology", "Laboratory of Technology of Machines and Equipment" and computer classes. Learning "through science" is an important factor in the training of specialists. At the faculty, scientific centers, scientific research centers, special design bureau develop and function in promising areas of mechanical engineering and oil and gas business.


Serikuly Zh.

Doctor PhD


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