B064 - Mechanics and metalworking

Number and name of groups of educational programs: B064 - Mechanics and metalworking
Specialty code and name: 6B071200 - "Mechanical engineering"
6B07120 - "Mechanical engineering"
6B07121- "Technology of mechanical engineering".
6B07122-"Foundry and metal processing by pressure"
6B07123- "Design and organization of welding production".
​Qualification: "Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering"
Graduate's field of activity:
Aerospace engineering;
Transport (railway, automobile) engineering;
Agricultural machinery and equipment;
Oil and gas industry;
Mining industry;
chemical engineering;
energy industry;
educational institutions of higher and secondary education;
food and light industry:
heavy machinery;
design of modern equipment based on computer modeling and production management of wide and special purpose parts.

Number and name of groups of educational programs: B064 - Mechanics and metalworking
Specialty code and name: 6B07180 - "Technological machines and equipment" (by industry)
6B07180 - "Technological machinery and equipment" (by industry)
6B07181 - "Machinery and equipment of the oil and gas industry".
6B07182 - "Machinery and apparatus of food production"
Duration of study: -4 years
Qualification: "Bachelor of Technological Machinery and Equipment"
Scope and content of professional activity:
managerial, managerial, advisory activities;
operation, maintenance and repair of technical systems of the widest purpose;
design, construction and manufacture of environmental devices and equipment;
design, construction and manufacture of chemical production machines and apparatuses;
operation, maintenance and repair of technical and technological systems of oil and gas and petrochemical industries;
technical justification, design and supervision of the implementation of hardware design of technical measures for the processing, transportation and recycling of hydrocarbon raw materials.
Places of employment: manufacturing, all branches of industry, including the military-industrial complex, as well as design and research organizations, organizations and management of electromechanical services of industrial enterprises.


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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


(8-725-2) 40-08-99

(8-725-2) 27-38-52


Chancellery(8-725-2) 21-01-41



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